
Project maintained by Metha-Gruppe Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Methapolis was created in the context of a project which was part of a computer science class at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2014. The related GitHub Team conists of the Accounts jacotar, ran83, mo2go, superaffengeiltyp, egal27, Hanagnagana, jneuendorf and giterer.

A multiplayer mode, sabotage abilities and a deep research tree were implemented to distinguish between the skill levels of the competitors. Rush your rocket science upgrades to be an early threat or rely on a strong infrastructure with enhancend city buildings - your decisions pave the way to victory.

There are new features like:

The Academy

As long as you invest into research, Research Points are accumulated.

Spend them to buy the upgrades you favor the most.

You can upgrade police- or firestation, pollution and the missile!!!

You can pick up a target

and destroy it!
